The Epic Mahabharata - Adi Parva - Written Episode 5



                                ADI PARVA

                                     Written Episode 5

Devavrata observed Shantanu's sadness. Devavrata asked Shantanu, “Father, why are you sad?” Shantanu did not answer. Again he asked, “ Father, why are you sad?” Shantanu lied, “Son, it’s just a fever. Do not worry.” Devavrata thought, "Father is hiding something from me." “Really, father is telling a lie.” thought Prince Devavrata. Then, he asked a soldier about Shantanu’s sadness. Soldier whispered in Devavrata’s ears. “Our Lord, King of Hastinapur, your father is sad because…”, the soldier told him the whole incident which occurred when King Shantanu went for hunting. 

“So, this is the reason of father’s sadness.,” thought Devavrata. Then, one day, with Shantanu’s permission he went out.



